Instructions for Authors
1. Paper Submission
Manuscripts/Papers are prepared via MS Word processor, A4 paper format and submitted to the email address
2. Language
The papers are published in one of the following languages: English, Serbian, Greek, or some other language used for international communication. Times New Roman is the required font, 12 pt letters, with 1.5 cm indentation of the first row of the new paragraph, line spacing of 1, and footnotes in 10pt letter size right below the text.
3. Paper Length
The full volume of the submitted paper (scientific research article) could be up to 16 pages (36 000 characters with spaces), without the Abstract and Literature/Bibliography sections. However, the editors hold right to accept longer/shorter papers if the research requirements are such.
4. Structure
In addition to the main text, the paper must contain the following elements, the order of which must be respected:
- The author’s name and surname, their affiliation (including the city and country), e-mail. The name and surname should be given above the title of the paper, by the right margin. The affiliation is given below the author’s name and surname,
- The title of the paper (up to 10 words, clearly indicating the nature of the research/subject matter),
- The abstract should be 150-250 words in length. It is to be given below the title of the paper, in the language of the paper itself,
- Maximum 10 key words, given below the abstract, in the same language as the abstract.
- Main text,
- Summary (around 10% of the main text in length); It is written in English if the main text is in Serbian or some other foreign language; in case the main text is written in English, the Summary is translated into another foreign language,
- The cited literature is to be given in a separate section entitled Bibliography, listed in the alphabetical order of the authors’ surnames.
5. Bibliography
Notes/Footnotes are typed at the bottom of each page. An abbreviated form of citation is to be used in footnotes: (e.g.) Λόης 2017, 678 or Simić 1990, 85
Complete bibliographic units are given in the Bibliography section, following the model:
- Books:
Ацовић Драгомир М. (2008): Хералдика и Срби. Београд: Завод за уџбенике.
Λόης Γεώργιος Νεκτάριος (2017: Ιστορία της Σερβίας. Πολιτική και Εκκλησιαστική, Εκδόσεις Έννοια, Αθήνα
- Book chapters:
Самарџић Никола (1997): Карло V и Турци. у: Ислам, Балкан и велике силе (XIV–XX век). Београд: Историјски институт, 205–218.
- Papers published in periodicals
Тадић Јорјо (1963): Тестаменти Божидара Вуковића, српског штампара XVI века. Зборник Филозофског факултета VII–1. Београд: Филозофски факултет, 337–360.
! NB: If one author published several papers in the same year, the letters a, b, c, d should be added to the year, and papers are to be listed chronologically.